Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Leadership Lessons From Peru

I count it a privilege to travel to Peru (come with me in November..I know it's right in the middle of our class...so, make it a field trip!!). Often I learn valuable lessons about leadership and culture that I thought I knew...

A couple videos:

1)In 2004, after a dramatic trip to the top of the Andes with some leaders and intercessors (watch that clip here); we observed out our van window someone who exhibited the biblical leadership principle of "leading from behind and among the people":
an amazing shepherd(ette):

2) In 2005, when we returned, we found that our friend Pastor Ovidio and his whole family had life-threatening typhoid. They had not yet told their church, as they didn't want them to worry. This is my video of the moving and tearful Sunday morning when our missionary Ken Metz announced the news to the congregation and called them to fervent prayer.

Often we leaders/pastors don't let people in on our lives/reality/prayer requests..even when it's life and death.

Much of this moving video is in Spanish, but anyone will be moved. The scene I captured at 2:05 needs no translation, and will remember it the rest of my life:

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